• Price:
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Proposal #8


  • TitleDecrease the minimum deposit amount for governance proposals
  • Description

    Currently the minimum deposit amount required for raising a governance proposal is 20,000 CRO, which amounts to about US$11.5k at time of writing, or $19.3k if using CRO's all-time-high price.

    The amount needed (in terms of US dollars) is way too high when compared with other Cosmos ecosystem projects. For example:

    Akash = 1000 AKT ~ $2.1k

    Osmosis = 500 OSMO ~ $3.4k

    Cosmos = 64 ATOM ~ $2.3k

    Secret = 100 SCRT ~ $590

    Iris = 1000 IRIS ~ $88

    I would propose reducing the minimum deposit amount required so that the cost of raising a proposal in terms of fiat value will be more in line with other cosmos-based chains.

    I would suggest setting the minimum deposit required to 5,000 CRO which translates to approximately US$2.9k at the time of drafting this proposal. This will allow more shareholders to be able to raise a governance proposal while at the same time, ensuring that the threshold is not set too low to limit spam proposals

    Also, there should be no drawbacks for setting it too low, as CDC's voting power alongside its chain partners should be sufficient to safeguard from malicious proposals.

  • TypeParameter Change
  • Proposer
  • Total Deposit
    1 CRO
  • Submit Time
    04 Jan 2022 17:49:08 GMT
  • Deposit End Time18 Jan 2022 17:49:08 GMT